GradeL, Gradebook for Linux, (rhymes with "cradle") is a desktop gradebook application for teachers. This program includes features necessary for tracking student performance and attendance.
Because GradeL is still under development, you may encounter bugs. It is good practice to back up your data frequently and keep hard copies of your records. Please report any issues in the forum or via email. These reports are an essential piece of GradeL development. For development news, please see the GradeL Blog.
While still buggy and incomplete, it is functional. GradeL requires the Gambas2 runtime as well as these components, gb.qt, gb.form, and gb.qt.ext. Make sure you have these packages installed via your distro's packaging system. The latest version of GradeL is 0.12.2.
GradeL currently supports customizable semesters and marking periods. Marking period grades are calculated with either Straight Points (no weights) or Weighted Categories. Semester grades are a weighted combination of included marking periods and a final exam. GradeL produces customizable seating charts and a variety of reports.
09-25-2010 GradeL 0.12.2 Released: This release fixes several bugs including a problem printing the attendance spreadsheet. Also, thanks to Girard Henri for completing the French language translation of GradeL. As usual, you can download this release here or read more about it on the blog.
04-10-2010 GradeL 0.12.1 Spanish Translation Released: Thanks to Matthew Parmigiani for completing the Spanish language translation of GradeL. As usual, you can download this release here or read more about it on the blog.
02-10-2010 GradeL 0.12.1 Released: This release contains three bug fixes and one feature enhancement. See the ChangeLog and blog for details or download this release.
12-20-2009 GradeL 0.12.0 Released: This release contains several bug fixes and a few features such as a a correction in rounding averages and the ability to check for updates. See the ChangeLog and blog for details or download this release.
11-19-2009 GradeL 0.11.2 Released: This release contains several bug fixes and a few features such as a new report that displays category averages for each student in a class. See the ChangeLog and blog for details or download this release.
more GradeL news...GradeL is free software, released under the GPL (Gnu General Public License). You are free to use the program and its source code under the terms of the license.